Whenever my father graces the Clog with his magnificent presence it is reminiscent of a Loch Ness Monster sighting. It seems as though the name Tom Calderwood has reached a sort of legendary cult status among friends of The Clog. The mere mention of my old man's name conjures up images of gardening, laughter, and surfing. All of this folklore is well and good, but it never truly compares to spending an afternoon (or life time) in his glowing presence.
Upon returning home from work I found to my surprise that my father had baked a apple plum crisp. While Tom's cooking lives on in infamy, it should also be noted that he is a damn fine baker. Am I at all threatened by this new culinary interest? No... not at the moment.
My fathers line of work is something of a mystery, and watching him conduct it in a lounge chair while simultaneously petting Quynh doesn't exactly shed any light on the matter.
Technically Chase didn't post the picture below. And Chase certainly has no idea I am starting a series of Clog posts showcasing pictures left on his old iphone, that he gave to me out of the goodness of his heart. However, I am sure that if Chase was to contribute photos to the Clog they would most likely include ones such as this.
Do you ever wonder what it would be like to combine two of the coolest people you know into one awesomely cool mutant friend? If so, then you my friend have some serious issues. Nevertheless, I present to you GoldieBong.
Several weeks ago I tore myself away from the blissful confines of Los Gatos and journeyed with my father to Holland and Scotland. Fun times were had, tasty beer was tasted, and foreign ledges received their fair share of crooked grinds. In the midst of all this excitement I even managed to take a few digital pictures, most of which feature stuff and things, so enjoy if you feel so inclined.
Peddling poppa
Amsterdam has canals...
and good sandwiches...
even a couple things to shred.
I tried to session this ramp located deep within a lush mystical glen, but I got the boot by an irate gang of elves. More photos to shall follow depending on my motivation to post them.