Thursday, April 26, 2012

4 20 in Grass Valley

Jesse and I travelled a few hours up north to help my dear ol' grandparents move from Grass Valley to San Jose. Between lifting cabinets and harassing our friends over the phone the Bone Man and I were able to squeeze in some skateboarding time.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

We don't Negotiate with Skaters

Convincing an otherwise irate security guard or civilian that skating should be allowed to take place on their property is a near impossible task.

But as Peter Raffin demonstrates, it sure is fun to try. Here Jeeter is seen putting forth a number of highly valid arguments in the name of skating.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Junkyard Revisited

Legend has it Daryl "found" Nugget living in a dingy vacant lot beneath a freeway overpass in downtown San Jose. It was there that Daryl witnessed this timid little vietnamese boy performing jaw dropping skateboard trickery on a chunky piss stained ledge. It wasn't long before Nugget was taken in by Daryl, given a nice warm bed/floor to sleep in/on, and plenty of used Think Skateboards to ride.

The Junkyard has recently emerged from its dormant state, brought about mostly due to construction workers and soulless uptight neighbors, and appears to be fully skateable once again. Jon and I visited his former residence a week ago for the first time in over six years. As nostalgia quickly grabbed my by the testicles I was reminded of all the marvelous tricks Jon used to perform on Junkyard's classic ledge. "when is the last time you did a kickflip fs bluntslide Jon," I asked. "Damn, probably the last time you and I skated here dude," he replied. Apparently after six years the Nugget can still bring home the bacon.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

March Madness

The insanity felt during March has little to do with basketball, but is instead more a direct result of the of things like bizarre weather, leprechauns, and Jameson. All this, plus the increasing length of sunlight during the day, inevitably leads inevitably to overwhelming levels of madness.

This chick must be out of her gourd if she thinks anyone is going to give her any change while she is chatting on her Blackberry.