Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A Farewell to March

I had a slew of photographs stowed away in my iphone, patiently awaiting their chance to share the story of March.  Unfortunately due to recent events, I no longer have a phone, and the visual evidence of this past month is simply a tangled web of memories shared only amongst those who lived them.  I blame the majority of this on April, a revengeful month, eternally envious of its younger brother March.  Yes that is correct, I curse the month of April.  This pathetic excuse of calendar space has robbed me of my phone, vanquished the final rains of winter, and now taunts me with blistering sun rays and chocolate bunny rabbits.  April's jealousy of March is sickening and I pity it.  I have had weeks more eventful than this entire month!  I have experienced single days that dwarf April!  
     As a way of paying tribute to March, I have put together a short yet poignant video.  

Ps.  No offense to Mom and Dad, who both were born in April.  Happy Late Saint Patrick's day.