Tree # Three is some what similar to Mambo # Five, which happens to be mine and Zack's favorite song. If you have ever been inside my car you will have noticed that I have a little dashboard shrine composed of plastic trees and an Aqua Teen sticker. I found the first tree on the ground over two years ago, the second one was discovered by John Choi roughly six months ago, and the third one I found yesterday! There are other pictures from this glorious day as well.

Starting the day off with a new plastic tree.

Choi knocked this guy's beer over while skating so we hooked up him up with two more.

Straight ripping!

We skated EMP for an insanely long time. Good thing there was a couch.

Dave came to town and posed ever so nicely.

Halba took over my job.

Some one is holding it down for the "Kev's."

Ass disaster waiting to happen.

"I'm over that carrot bro."

"ehhhhh, on second thought..."