They say you never truly appreciate something until it is gone, but when it comes to Clark Rodgers this isn't the case. I knew I was going to miss this red haired Frenchman when he traded the dismal streets of San Jose for glistening beaches of San Diego, but I fully realized my love for Clarky when he came to visit this weekend. Clark graced us with his presence for a mere two days but it was enough to make me not want him to leave.
Lengthy caption not required.
There was a hawk eating an animal atop the telephone pole and Clark digitally absorbed it with his picture taker.
These two are totally off the wagon.
Clark has the greatest noseslides... PERIOD.
Jesse finally obtains that which he has been seeking for the past month.
The day ended with a few burgers, compliments of master chef Brett White.
The San Jose sharks are an amazing hockey team... duh. However, when it comes to sea creatures the sharks is anything but amazing. Besides having an enormous liver, which enables the shark to do keg stands for hours on end without dying of alcohol poisoning, this finned fag of the sea is nothing more than a waste of salt water.
It was my intention to write a Clog tonight. I had uploaded some recent photos and felt comfortable about my task at hand. After watching my friend break his board attempting a melon grab on flat ground I made the trek home from down town. I arrived home to find my cat wide eyed and full of energy. He clearly wanted to play, but trivial things of this nature had no appeal to me. I drank some wine, ate some pie and readied myself for the Clogging.
After a long day at school, traveling to and from classes in the rain, and skating beneath the comforting concrete over hang of a parking garage I have decided not to write a life changing Clog entry. Instead I will leave you all with a photo of Jesse Rose squeezing the life out of a Popeyes burrito contraption.
Hummus is an edible spread composed of chickpeas and olive oil. Sometimes it is seasoned with a medley of spices, combined with artichoke, or topped with jalapenos. You are sure to be pleased with whichever combination of flavors you chose to spatter your taste buds with. This incredibly yummy and versatile bean dip is responsible for The Zohan's rippling abs and pulsating pecs.
Today, the infinitely knowledgeable (I can not believe I spelled that right) Bill Tran provided me with this shocking information. I have always been aware of hummus's muscle building properties, but had no idea it could also be used to improve skateboarding performance. It is the Middle Eastern vegetarian version of anabolic steroids. Here is a youtube clip of Professional Skateboarder and hummus user, Ryan Sheckler.